Just popping in to share a few highlights of life as of late:
High expectations on a high-focus project + nigh impossible deadlines = ‘splody me. Developed eLearning overview + 5 job-specific modules on a new workflow/queuing tool in about than 3 weeks... one that was still changing up to 9/14 (which meant almost daily rewrites). It’s done (and
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Got this from unclesiko and had to share... and yes, I will take advantage of my all-alone morning to see if I can find my Pearl and make some semblance of this coolness happen for myself...
Yep, little things really do mean a lot. The groovy Wonder Woman B-Day giftie from xkookykrysx sits on my desk, chock full of the yummiest sugar free candies I've ever had. Hurrah! Makes me feel special every time I dip into my stash.
More minutiae for your general enjoyment (or not - cope!)... had lunch with Clueless/Candy Cane (erstwhile Omni soprano now a Westminster alto) as it's been way too long. (Belated Hi and Hugz to bookwench as I was there when you called
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Not sure if I'm better today or I'm just more used to feeling dysfunctional... but the bottom line is I'm on a little more even keel. Not gonna question it just yet.
And now for today's cool science tidbit, brought to you by the color pink, a triangle and the number 42.